合资 10000人以上 检测,认证
合资 10000人以上 检测,认证
关于SGS SGS是全球领先的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构,是公认的质量和诚信的基准。SGS集团在世界各地共有80000多名员工,分布在1,650多个分支机构和实验室,构成了全球性的服务网络。 SGS通标标准技术服务有限公司是SGS集团和隶属于原国家质量技术监督局的中国标准技术开发公司共同建成于1991年的合资公司,在中国设立了60多个分支机构和100多间实验室,拥有13,000多名训练有素的专业人员。 SGS一直为全球各领域客户提供可持续发展解决方案,服务能力覆盖农产、矿产、石化、工业、消费品、汽车、生命科学等多个行业的供应链上下游。近年来,我们在环境、新能源、能效和低碳领域不断创新、锐意进取,致力于以专业的检测和认证服务推动经济、环境和社会的和谐共赢,为国内外企业、政府及机构提供全方位可持续发展解决方案。 作为优秀的企业公民,SGS始终以负责任的态度经营企业、回馈社会。如在甘肃贾家屲地区援建校舍并长期派驻支教员工,切实改善当地教育条件;对办公场所进行能效评估和改造,减少碳排放;并在全国各分支机构持续开展捐资助学、扶贫帮困、赈灾救危、保护环境等公益活动。 About SGS SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 80000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1,650 offices and laboratories around the world. SGS in China SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co. Ltd. was founded in 1991 as a joint venture between SGS Group and China Standard Technology Development Corp. under the State Administration of Quality Technical Supervision. With an extensive network of more than 50 branches and dozens of laboratories we have more than 12,000 professionals working for us. We are constantly looking beyond customers’ and society’s expectations in order to deliver market leading services wherever they are needed. In China our expertise is servicing the supply chains of various sectors such as agricultural, minerals, petrochemicals, industrial, consumer products, automotive and life science. SGS has been providing sustainability solutions and services for companies and organizations across the globe. As a result, we are perfectly placed to help you be kinder to the environment, have a positive impact on society and achieve greater economic sustainability. The testing, inspection and certification services we provide help local and overseas businesses, governments and institutions develop sustainable solutions that balance People, Planet and Profit. As a committed corporate citizen, we work in partnership with our local communities. For example, we have helped to renovate a school in Gansu Jiajiawa where our staff members also work as volunteer teachers to help improve local education. We also monitor our energy efficiency performance and retrofit our utilities in a bid to reduce our carbon emissions. In addition we contribute to charities involved in education, poverty, natural disaster aid and environmental protection.